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Karthik Balakrishnan

@[email protected]

Making friends via Often stumbles into internet movements. Support digital rights in India:

20 Posts Posts & Replies 53 Following 20 Followers Search

I probably shouldn't be surprised, but this year has been such a test of discipline, motivation, self confidence, and meeting the humbling reality of some of my limitations.

I'm in my own head a lot as it is, but boy was there a lot of internal monologuing in 2024.

10/10 would do it again.

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What's the demonym for people in ? Bangalore-ans, there's a !!Con watch party being held on Monday, August 26th, the day after the conference! Folks will be gathering in person at the Underline Center ( to watch a selection of talks from the !!Con live stream. Check it out! 🇮🇳❤️ Details here:

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Me, @karthikb351, Unnati are together hosting a !!Con Watch Party at on 26th August / Monday. !!Con is the world's most fun conference made "to celebrate the joyous, exciting, and surprising moments in computing", with 10 minute talks. The !!Con schedule is at

If you're interested in 10 minute talks about the joy and surprise of computing, do join. Tickets are available at:

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Many of my projects are too technical, or too silly to explain to the general public.

But I've been demoing my recent work - which is very consumer oriented - to friends and to small groups, and it is refreshing to get such positive feedback. Everyone "just gets it" immediately, and their eyes twinkle when I start explaining.

I'm at the 90% stage, where I need another 90% time to cross the finish line, but it is so heartening that I can still build products that light up the room.

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This is pretty wild — our friends at "Read The Docs" saw file download traffic drop by 75% after blocking AI bots.

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PSA: delete your old Photobucket account now! Don’t put it off.

You know those emails you’ve been getting for a year from Photobucket threatening to delete your old account and you were like lol who cares and ignored them?

Turns out they didn’t delete them anyway, they repurposed the business as a broker of biometric data to AI companies and they’re using your old pictures for that. You have to actually go in and delete your account to opt out, and you only have until Monday, July 22 to do it.

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Week 13/2024 – Workshop preparation, writing block and this summer’s first swim ➡️

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Are you guys ready for the buck-wildest agriculture story I've ever heard

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Your weekend reminder that India Street Lettering zines are now shipping internationally 💌   🗺️

If you’ve been thinking of getting yourself copies, today’s your day ➡️

Edited 1y ago
Karthik Balakrishnan boosted

Hey look, it’s my first piece for Rolling Stone! (Thanks @noahshachtman) And I meant every word — I believe we’re seeing the renaissance of the weird, human internet. It couldn’t come a moment too soon.

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👋 It's my birthday today.

I'm not a birthday person, but this year I'm doing a fundraiser for @internetfreedom 🎉.

I'll be matching donations made to IFF today so you can double your impact:

(Please boost)

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It's the most wonderful time of the year, your 2023 Year in Review is ready! All VIP members have access on the website and the official iOS and Android apps.

2023 features our best design yet and some brand new stats. More details below.


Show and movie trends added. Compare what you've watched and discover popular things you might have missed.

Country maps added to visualize the production countries.

Some personalized recommendations are included at the end.

Karthik Balakrishnan boosted

One billion years of plate tectonics

Credit: Andrew S. Merdith et al, "Extending full-plate tectonic models into deep time: Linking the Neoproterozoic and the Phanerozoic" via u/Useless_or_inept on reddit

I feel like my writing has gotten so much worse over the years. What felt like fluid, flowing thoughts is now reading as convoluted and disorganised.

I'm sure just more practice will help, but maybe it's also that I'm more critical now? Not sure.

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Hi, 🙋‍♀️🌻

With the release of the Broadcasting Bill, 2023, now the draft Telecom Bill, 2023 and the rumoured upcoming DPDPA Rules, the fight for our digital rights is at a critical juncture. ✊✊

We need YOUR support now more than ever. 1/4

The last Puzzled Pint of the year is this Tuesday!


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30 postcards sent. VOTE FROM BANGALORE:

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Bangalore pals, I’m in your city this weekend for the screening of my short film LETTER BY LETTER (made with Harshay Jha) at the B•LORE Short Film Festival bangaloreinternationalcentre.o.

Along with the screening of the movie, which is about the typographic charms of MG Road, I’m exhibiting street lettering photos from the neighbourhood, and debuting a new zine that I’ll be giving away for free.

Come say hi 👋🏼 and let’s talk type!

📍 Bangalore International Centre
📅 December 10 (Sun)
🕓 4:00 pm